Waiting List Application

    Please note: Completing the following form registers your expression of interest in enrolling your child/children into the preschool but does not guarantee a place. We will contact you when a place is available for your child.

    Child's Details

    Please enter your child's details below. A separate form must be submitted for each child.

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Sex *

    Date of Birth *

    Residential Address *

    Preferred Email *

    Please enter the email address you would like us to use to contact you regarding your child

    Parent 1

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Residential Address

    (If different from your child's)

    Home Phone Number

    Work/Mobile Phone

    Parent 2

    First Name

    Last Name

    Residential Address

    (If different from your child's)

    Home Phone Number

    Work/Mobile Phone

    General Information

    What year do you expect your child to start primary school? *

    Does your child identify as

    Please Tick

    Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?Low Income Health Care Card Holder?From a language background other than English?Physical, Intellectual, Developmental or Behavioural disability?At risk of significant harm?

    What days would you like your child to attend Preschool? *

    Please Tick


    Do you require these particular days because of employment reasons?

    Will your child require additional assistance at preschool for medical, developmental, or allergic conditions? *

    If yes, please provide details and names of organisations/therapists that can assist with your child's transition

    I give permission for Coffs Harbour Preschool to contact the above named organisation/therapist for the purpose of discussing the needs of my child in relation to attending preschool

    Name of Consenting Parent

    Please enter name of consenting parent below

    Other Information

    Please include anything else that is not included above and you think we need to know

    Enter code below to complete your Waiting List Application:


    “This is our first year involved in the preschool and we have been so impressed by the creativity, professionalism and dedication of all the staff . The end of year concert, the Christmas bag of amazing craft and the individual student portfolio again reinforced to us how fortunate we are to have our daughter attending your preschool. You have exceeded our expectations as the staff go far beyond the requirements to ensure an amazing early education for the students.  We are so appreciative of your hard work.”
